Centre Programs
Our services provide families with access to Kindergarten programs in a long day care setting, delivered by a university trained Early Childhood Teacher and offering 15 hours for 4 year old children and up to 15 hours for 3 year old children.
Each program is linked to the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and caters for the whole child ensuring that underlying skills required for school are developing, children have the opportunity to develop self confidence, social skills, self care skills and independence. The programs are developed to help children achieve the individual learning goals, follow the interests, build on community engagement and engage children in age appropriate experiences.
Having access to an integrated kindergarten program gives families flexibility to access care before and after kindergarten hours, a nutritious menu of meals for their child during the day and the support of an early education team for their child.
With each kindergarten offering programs unique to their community, engaging with the local community amenities such as the library, art galleries, emergency services and local businesses. Additionally there is access to additional programs which vary at each service including; physical education, dance, yoga and outdoor learning programs including, bush and outdoor kindergarten.
Additional Programs
Lending Libraries
We believe literacy plays an important role in children’s development and each of our services provides children with access to lending libraries within the service. Children are able to borrow books from the service to share at home with their families.
Each service will offer children and families access to excursions and incursions local to their community varying from outdoor walks around the town, music and story times, physical education, dance programs and community facilities. We welcome families to come and share their special skills or talents with our children and educating teams as well.